Data Science & Analysis - Statistics - Programming
by Paweł Tokarski

I have been interested in deep learning for a long time, and the model that resonates with me the most is LSTM. Below, I would like to present the results of my analysis and show how I created the LSTM model.
Code and other materials are available on Github:
What is LSTM? It is a deep learning model that takes into account previous time-series data, adjusting information based on it. This process allows the LSTM neural network model to detect long-term dependencies and forget them if necessary, while also considering short-term data. It is an important model, especially for tasks such as predicting stock prices, which is the goal of this project.
Here is my dataset. I included several economic factors as features for the model to predict the target variable, which is an ETF for startup stocks in the USA.
After cleaning the missing data and performing the necessary transformations (including scaling to a range of 0-1), I used the "Sequential()" model from the Keras library in TensorFlow. However, my goal was to optimize the model in such a way that its hyperparameters would be selected in the most appropriate way to meet business needs. For this purpose, I used the Random Search algorithm. Below, I present the prepared transformations and parameter selection for this training process.
In the next part, I will present the executed random search, the fitted model based on these hyperparameters, and the evaluation metrics/scores.