Data Science & Analysis - Statistics - Programming
by Paweł Tokarski

In this section, I present the next part of the analysis regarding the segmentation of the real estate dataset.
I created a total of three models by importing the appropriate libraries: Decision Tree, SVM, and Random Forest. For all these classifiers, I generated detailed classification reports, including metrics such as recall, accuracy, and precision, which are essential for evaluating model performance. Additionally, I used cross-validation to ensure the validity and reliability of the models' functioning.
Decision Tree classifier:
SVM classifier:​
​​​​​​Random Forest classifier:
Cross-validation scores:
Decision Tree classifier:
SVM classifier:​
Random Forest Classifier:
Based on the attached model evaluations, it all models achieved very good results and are pretty reliable in terms of cross-validation score. This indicates that I would select that particular models for predictive purposes.
